Box Tops has gone digital! 

All you need is your phone! Download the easy-to-use Box Tops app, create an account, and then select Galinsky Academy as your school. From there, shop as you normally would and when you're done, simply scan your store receipts. The app will automatically credit Galinsky Academy's Box Tops earnings online.


Twice a year, your school will receive a check and can use that cash to buy whatever it needs!


Here's How It's Done:

1. Download the Box Tops app:



2. Create an account!

3. Select Galinsky Academy as our school!

3. Go shopping!

4. Scan your store receipts within fourteen days of purchase. Your receipt must contain participating products to receive credit. 

5. Earn cash for our schools! 


It's that easy! Box Tops earnings are identified and automatically updated online.


What about Online Purchases? 

If you shop for groceries online, you can now submit your email receipts from select retailers to earn Box Tops for your school. To ensure that earnings are properly credited to your account:
  1. Make sure you have a Box Tops for Education account (you can create one via the Box Tops app or website).
  2. Forward your email receipt to using the same email that’s associated with your BTFE account.
  3. Box Tops will typically be credited within 1 day – you can view your earnings details in the MY EARNINGS section of the app.