Our PTA is made up of hard-working parents & teachers who pool their talents to provide practical support for our school. Those listed below volunteered to provide leadership this year. Get to know their names and faces, and feel free to ask them if you have questions. 

Interested in a leadership position? Ask us how to get involved...


The new 2023-2024 Galinsky PTA Board positions are as follows:


President: N/A


Treasurer: Daniel Shorstein


Secretary: Mimi Fleet


DS Room Parent Coordinator: Jessica Shorstein


PS Room Parent CoordinatorBenay Leb


Shabbat/Challah Coordinator: Fatima Castano


Purim Carnival Chair(s): Marissa Kaeser


Yearbook Chair: Gabby Ashbrook


Teacher Appreciation Chairs: Victoria Busch &  Krista O'Hara


Book Fair Chair(s): Jason Smith and Kelsi  Hasden


Ambassador Program Chair / Sunshine Coordinator:  Sara Werner and Benay Leb


Ruach Rock Coordinator: Pesha Bluma


Website Guru: Daniel Shorstein, Gabby Ashbrook, and Brian Hasden


Religious School Liaison: Alicia Rauchwager and Samantha Holtzman


Spiritwear Coordinator: Jodi Rogozinski 


First Friday Co-chair: Leora Holzer


Immediate Past President/PTA Advisor: Jodi Rogozinski